having my fabulous co-teachers replaced with substitutes really makes me appreciate them even more...
one of the substitutes is actually fabulous, but she is a retired teacher from an inner-city and so her methods are just... not what i'm use to. last year when she subbed for my first grade class she bribed them with DOLLAR BILLS and called a child a Bi*** when the child was within hearing distance. i asked for her not to come back, but these days we're desperate for subs.
she is actually pretty good with them, she just has a different standard of how to talk/interact with the kiddos.
at least she speaks english.
Maybe that's a negative, since the kids don't actually speak English...
Hmm...I worked in an inner city for 8 years. I never bribed children with money or used curse words in the classroom. I think she may have much bigger problems than being a former inner city school teacher! : ) I think all teachers should spend time in their 1st few years of teaching in inner city schools. I learned quickly how to create a classroom community that fostered respect, tolerance and a love of learning. Yes, you can do the aforementioned in any classroom, but if you can do it in an inner city - you can do it anywhere! Better luck with your next sub!
I notice that you often tag your postings with "reasons to study for the lsat." And, while it is obvious that you are an excellent and gifted teacher, have you considered that by becoming a lawyer you might be in a better position to advocate for many more children on a wider stage with more far-reaching results? Not to infer that the work you do is not valuable or important, but your passion for educational access might propel you to great achievement on behalf of so many who have no voice.....
I never meant to imply that inner city teachers are crazier than most. However, I have close friends who are inner city teachers and I have heard their horror stories about some teachers in their buildings, the way they treat kids, the standards they keep, etc. I know there are awesome teachers out there, but there are also some that march to a different drummer than the rest of us. You're right though, everyone should teach in an inner-city for awhile.
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