A think tank focused on creative solutions for future problem solvers. -Ann-Bailey Lipsett
Sunday, January 31, 2010
listening to our children
merit pay... putting my own thoughts together
Saturday, January 30, 2010
what's their motivation?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
merit pay- just curious
state of the union
"yeah, my bottom itches!" she said, looking surprised that I could tell. I asked her if she thought she needed to go to the clinic, or if she thought she could handle staying in the classroom without scratching.
Monday, January 25, 2010
lights on, lights off. aka- we are super-stars
Sunday, January 24, 2010
understanding haiti in their own way
Friday, January 22, 2010
We can do hard things
everyone's favorite educational activity... testing
Thursday, January 21, 2010
whose spying?
"Are there any video cameras in here?" she asked
"Why?" (I should know better than to ask...)
"Because everyday my mom says "did you go with your learning teacher? did you go with your learning teacher? I hope there are not any video cameras in here because I don't want her to see me."
"Because she doesn't like white people. Only brown ones."
and with that, she went back to work.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
power of knowledge, value, and control
baby steps
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
from richmond...
And let us recognize that a high school degree is no longer the finish line in a global economy. We must create affordable new pathways to earning a college degree and make a commitment to confer 100,000 additional degrees over the next 15 years Fabulous! As long as we are preparing students for college along the way, and not just sending students on to college to say we did, without giving them the tools they need to be successful. And don't forget- there are plumbers and electricians out there that never went to college, but are doing far better financially than I am... Why make them go to college? We must make our community colleges national leaders in workforce development and career training.
These are investments that will pay individual and societal dividends for many years to come Yes! Amen!
Barbara Johns I don't actually know who that is... was willing to risk everything for the simple opportunity of a good education. Surely, sixty years later, we can work together to provide that opportunity to all Virginia children.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
new friends
Is it not the cutest frog ever? If I was a parent and found out that my son gave that adorable frog to his teacher's pet frog and not to me I'd be upset. But no matter how many times I asked the Story Teller to at least take it home and show his mom he firmly stated that no, the frog was for Happy.
drama, drama
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
don't be mad
Monday, January 11, 2010
when things I hate and things I did today are the same list...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
excuses, excuses
Thursday, January 7, 2010
life's moral questions
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
oh, it's you...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
over the break i was sipping wine at a cocktail party, nicely chatting with a few women about the kindergarten curriculum they use to home-school their children.
no judgment- i was honestly completely fascinated and very curious about what sort of curriculum they used and what sort of activities they did with their little ones. as they got tired of my long list of questions they turned on me.
"So, how old are your children?" they asked, clearly thinking, after my extensive questions, that i'm about to announce that i'm considering home schooling my soon-to-be kindergartner.
i take a sip of wine, hoping they'd lose interest quickly.
"um, actually, i don't have kids"
eyebrows raise
"i'm, um, a kindergarten teacher"
"really?" one asks. "for the church?"
"um, no- (another sip of wine) for a certain public school district"
one of them smiles broadly. "oh! i know all about that public school district! our home school coach is on the school board there. he's home schooled all his children even though he's on the board there- you know, i think that says a lot about that school district"
i nod, not knowing what to say, take a rather large sip of wine and scan the room looking for someone else to talk to. i really had just wanted to know about the nuts and bolts of home schooling but now i was worried that if i responded to that last comment i may get thrown out of the party...
but, people of my district, did you seriously, seriously, elect someone to school board who never put his children in our schools? you're letting someone make decisions who thinks our schools are not good enough for his own children? so the decisions he makes will never personally impact him?
what were you thinking??
it's ridiculously cold and windy outside. my cat managed to destroy one of the cookbooks i'd placed on top of the frog's file box (and all mr. lipstick said was, "well, better that than the frog". )
but most of all i have to go back to work tomorrow.
by choice.
i decided, back in october that it would be a good idea to teach intersession.
i was so, so, stupid.
i could spend another week cuddling under warm blankets, sipping hot coco and reading for pleasure. but no, i thought "it's good money" and "i like intersession"
i'd forgotten that last spring, after our last intersession, the thoughts, "you can't pay me enough to do this again" were going through my head.
so instead, i'm banging around the house, making mr. lipstick miserable, acting like going back to work after a 2 week break is the worst thing i've ever had to do in my entire life. like i'm being forced to walk off the plank by unruly pirates.
i know, don't you wish you were here: cheerful, isn't it?
but tomorrow is a half day- and i'm teaching scapbooking, which tends to be a gigantic, fun, mess. we'll sing lots of noisy, active songs and read lots of great books, and i'm sure by the end of the day tomorrow i will have thought about some other good reasons that i shouldn't stay in bed for the remainder of the week...