Friday, June 19, 2009


When I went to deliver the letters I'd written to my 6 former first graders-now graduating 5th graders, one of the fifth grade teachers handed me letters two of her students had written me.

Dear Mrs. Lipstick,
Thank you for being my 1st grade Teacher. You no I got in trouble a lot but I was a little boy. My BEST memory of 1st grade is when we go to read at dark and draw.

(I don't remember him getting in trouble that much- although I do remember him as the reason I always put up word wall words in the bathroom- he'd go in there forever and told me "sometimes I just need a break". Well, if you need a break, then you're still going to be learning. You can go sit on the toilet, but you will be staring at those high frequency words. Also, I think the reading in the dark is from a day the lights went out- no great instruction on my part)

Dear Mrs. Lipstick,
A long time ago when you teach me in 1st grade and I was new to this school and contry you taught me so many new things I never knew before and you also help me made friends. Thank you for helping me in Jumpers. Your the teacher I'll never forget.

She's my little one who came into the country with no English from Indonesia- a week before the Tsunami. We came back from Christmas break and couldn't communicate with her and her family to know if their family back home was alright. I adore this little one- she is the student I'll never forget.


The Science Goddess said...

Those are treasures. Teaching is often filled with such delayed gratification, isn't it?

I've recently been reconnecting with former students via Facebook. It's fun to get to know them as adults---just wait, you'll see. :)

Not Quite Grown Up... said...

That's one of the (many) things I'm sad about, regarding my school closing. I won't get to see my 1st graders grow older.

Also, I love the idea of a word wall in the bathroom. I don't have a bathroom in my classroom, so can't individualize the bathroom, but in general that's an awesome idea.