2. The person who has to decide how to rearrange our schedules to make sure everyone has time for lunch on 2 hour delays. Like, my assistant principal. But I have to hand it to her, she was even trying to brain storm creative ways to get the children some outdoor "recess" on the sidewalks that are clear. I love her.
3. The person who has to drive 50+ loud, excited, hyper children through the neighborhoods only plowed enough to allow one lane to get through at a time- driving through the same streets lined on either side by unplowed sidewalks that are bound to force the children you are not driving to walk in the street, right in your way. There is a special place in heaven for bus drivers after tomorrow.
4. The person who has to someone figure out how we're going to administer those 550 standardized tests to assess English language acquisition. You know, the one we were stressed about completing at the end of January, before we missed 2 weeks of school?
Lunch? We have to eat with our students. You?
Loved this post. You gave honors to every school's unsung heroes.
(ps - my sympathies to your formerly new black boots ;)
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