Friday, March 23, 2012

Rest in Peace

Happy the Frog did not survive her brush with the air yesterday. This morning we came in to find that she had gone on to a better place.

After 5 years of being traumatized and over fed by children in the special education program she is finally in a place where children will not bang on her glass, sneak-feed her, feed her as a reward (every 3-5 minutes), or just forget to feed her for a week on end. She provided us with a lot to talk about, write about and laugh about. Even yesterday we got lots good language out of my children as we discussed 1) how much the tank smelled 2) that it smelled because someone had been sneak-feeding her 3) it smelled so much we wanted to throw up 4) Mrs. Lipstick is really upset that she has to clean the tank again because someone fed the frog too much.

She went out as she came in- supporting the needs of the students.

Many thanks to our awesome librarian who helped dispose of her this morning while I was panicking and trying not to be sick looking at the dead frog corpse.

It is a good thing it is Friday.

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