Saturday, December 5, 2009


fabulous friend's mother is having a baby.

fabulous friend has a difficult time waiting while you turn the page in an exciting read-aloud.

fabulous friend has a difficult time waiting for you hand out materials to everyone.

fabulous friend has a difficult time waiting for her turn in dramatic play.

fabulous friend is having a really, really hard time waiting for the baby.

it's due in march.

it's going to be a long winter.

1 comment:

The Science Goddess said...

Somehow, I think that Fabulous Friend is going to have an even harder time after the baby is born---waiting for sibling to talk, move, play, and so forth.

Apparently, my bmom was so impatient when her younger sister was born that the sister was walking by 9 months to save herself from being dragged by my mother.

Fabulous Friend's sibling will have much to live up to!