I've been working hard on fighting these mid-winter blues. I'm trying to find one thing a day that I am really excited about teaching. Whenever I find myself thinking about one of the many aspects of school that stresses me out and makes me want to reconsider my career I'm trying to switch my thoughts and focus on what I'm excited about. For the most part it's been working, although it takes some dedication. It's a funny concept to think that not being stressed takes dedication, but worrying and fretting and 'what if-ing' is a lot easier than demanding my brain to shut off stress and focus on what I love about my job.
I'm going into a pretty horrendous week. I've had a hard time being present with my family today because I've been so focused on all of the coming stress. There are a lot of balls in the air and a lot of potential to drop them.
SO, I'm re-focusing. One thing a day I'm excited about:
Monday: An IEP- I do actually enjoy IEPs. I like sitting down with parents and giving them a picture of their child. I like laying out a plan for the student to meet in the coming year. All the paperwork is stressful, but the actual IEP is enjoyable.
Also- if we have time we're going to do an art project using cardboard toilet paper rolls as stamps. I'm excited to see what the kids produce with this.
Tuesday: We're starting an animal unit in science. We'll be using Pebble Go to read up on animals, check out their information and watch videos of them.
Wednesday: Another IEP, and more animals. There is nothing like watching kids get excited about researching animals. Animal babies are just too cute.
Thursday: Writing our valentines for our classmates!
Friday: I've got kids making break through progress in math. We'll be doing in depth addition activities and I'm loving watching my kids get a deeper understanding of number concepts
5 things to get excited about. 5 things to override the stress. I can do this week. I think I can, I think I can.
What are you excited to teach this week?
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