Monday, April 30, 2012

Importance of the narrative (and help us play!)

Earlier this year I wrote about how I've added real objects to my retelling center. It has gone fabulously well. I've seen children use language unprompted to retell our familiar stories- language I did not think they had in them.

It has gone so well that I want to continue doing it with all of our stories but I'm running into problems finding the materials for all of them.  I've set up a donors choose page to help fund some of the materials- toy animals that we can use for many different stories and a dragon and a castle to help retell fairy tales.
Check it out here:

The speech language pathologist, the librarian and I plan to take this project even further by using voice threads and photo stories to continue to encourage their use of language in telling narratives. Research I read recently discussed how the ability to tell a narrative is essential in all aspects of language development. Our hope is that this project will scaffold our students into telling narratives and give them a firm base of language development. Stay tuned- more on this later!

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