We checked the books out, brought them home and cuddled together on the floor to read. I broke out my very best piggy and elephant voices. I did the theatrics. I was animated and over the top just like I usually am when I read aloud in the classroom.
Apparently that is too much for a two year old, or at least for my two year old.
Perhaps I was too animated. Too over the top. Maybe I was a bit too dramatic as I sighed a dramatic elephant sigh to show his worry over Piggie. Maybe it was too unsettling to see her normally calm mommy being so dramatic. Maybe I am a horrible actress. Whatever it was, I ruined Elephant and Piggie for my own daughter.
I want you to read that again but with the mental image of Gerald, the Elephant sighing and then exploding with worry.
She won't let me read the books anymore. "No Mama" she says, pushing the book away every time I try.
How can I call myself a teacher? A lover of children's literature?
What if the same thing happens when it is time to read Harry Potter? What if *gasp* she doesn't share the same love of certain books with me?
In a few months, you get to start all over with another baby. Problem solved! :)
When I met my birthmother (I was close to 30 years old), I discovered that we were both avid readers...but we did not like the same kinds of books. Finally, we each agreed to read one that each other had picked. I can't remember a more difficult slog through a novel in my life...couldn't tell you now what the story was. (If she were alive, she'd probably say the same about whatever I'd chosen.) But it was enough to just share the love of reading in common.
Now, get back in there and help her with the Pigeon.
Oh honey! your daughter will love to read, but she will love a whole different set of books than you love, with maybe if you're lucky some overlap. Out of my 3 kids, I share a grand total of one favorite with one kid: Charlotte's Web.
Oh honey! your daughter will love to read, but she will love a whole different set of books than you love, with maybe if you're lucky some overlap. Out of my 3 kids, I share a grand total of one favorite with one kid: Charlotte's Web.
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