The Silly Bandz.
The hot teacher-torture trend a few years ago.
The hot teacher-torture trend a few years ago.
They were annoying, distracting, and constantly causing in-class squabbles.
Yet they have nothing on the latest trend- The rubber band bracelets.

Yet they have nothing on the latest trend- The rubber band bracelets.
This new teacher torture
device involves kids coming to school with a wrist full of tiny rubber bands
knitted together to form a bracelet. This bracelet can easily be pulled apart
so that a child suddenly has what feels like hundreds of little bands all over
his desk. Of course this only happens at the exact moment you are trying to
transition the class and the student suddenly finds himself in a panic because
he is worried he will lose one precious tiny rubber band. Or worse, the student becomes worried that a
friend will steal the bands, which of course involves lots of yelling and "hey,
that's mine! Nobody touch it!" Both scenarios ultimately ends with a total class disruption and
involve a very frustrated teacher.
The amount of drama behind
these bands could drive a daytime soap opera.
What's worse is I'm not completely sure those bands are latex free. With all the allergies, is it truly safe for little ones? Whose bright idea was it to market something that's potentially a choking hazard and maybe an allergen hazard to little ones? Sigh. I feel your pain! Brand bracelets have invaded my classroom too.
A teacher friend has solved this by having children hang their rubber band bracelets (and other body adornments that lead to conflict and distraction) on a peg board labeled with their names as they enter the classroom in the AM. To be reclaimed on the way out. Have to admit that when I taught young kids there were 30 and up in each room, and I just issued at rule that they could not be worn to school.
These have just this week started showing up in my classroom. They haven't been a major problem yet, but as soon as I see the first inkling of a problem I am going to put the kibosh on them!
(And since I am slightly allergic to latex, may I can use that as an excuse...)
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