Friday, July 16, 2010


"We paint on paper, not on our friends...
Show me painting on the paper...
Paint on the paper, not the table...
Wow, look at how you paint on the table.
WE DO NOT PAINT OUR FRIEND'S EAR! Paint on the paper...

Paint goes on the paper.
Show me the paint..."

And he did. Right across my pants- his paint brush, dripping with bright orange paint, ran smack into my pants.

Bright orange paint, smeared from hip to hip across my pants, while I was reminding his friend not to paint on his ear.

Wonderful. And I was embarrassed by carrying around a stack of children's books on the metro Tuesday? That was nothing compared to walking around the metro with an orange waistline.

I am volunteering to learn how two year olds learn, and yes, I'd say, I am learning.


Sneaker Teacher said...

oh no! I am contemplating whether or not it's necessary to wear some sort of apron when I teach Kindergarten...

organized chaos said...

LOL- when I was a first grade classroom teacher I wore an apron (it was fabulous since it had two large pockets for holding items I needed to confiscate from the kiddos).

Mary said...

Oh no! Too funny. Two-year-olds are a riot! (Almost literally!)

jwg said...

The number one requirement for working with twos is a sense of humor. The next is the ability to divest yourself of any sense of dignity. The third is a high tolerance for mess. A wardrobe of old clothes you don't care a lot about helps. It's my favorite age.